A little bit about me

I was thrust in to motherhood at 47, for the third and very much my final time. Having suffered a bereavement and nearing the age of the menopause, I ignored the pregnancy symptoms, and put them down to grief and my old lady hormones running loose and carefree! So sure of not being pregnant, I bought a Tesco Value Pregnancy Test Kit, just to rule it out. I remember sitting in my GP’s office weeping and asking him to tell me that the cheap test that I had used was of no use, and that indeed I was menopausal. He clapped his hands together and declared how wonderful me being pregnant was!
Now, here I find myself speeding towards my 50th birthday with a 2 year old toddler, who quite frankly runs me ragged, keeps me awake every single night with her incessant waking, and fills me with joy and wonderment at every turn. Who would swap this? Not me.
So, this blogging mallarky is my way of recording as much information as I can about Lily. The ways in which she frustrates and amuses me all in the space of seconds.
It’s something that I want her to read when she is older, to see how much I love her and how much I appreciate her very being.
So Lily, read on. Let’s share the memory of your informative years,and let us laugh together.
Love you
Mummy x

* Please click on the links on the right to read about Lily’s antics! *

14 thoughts on “A little bit about me

  1. Josanne, thank you for the follow on Not Pretending. I love the name of your blog! I love toddlers too, but I cannot imagine having one full time. A weekend with my 3-year old granddaughter, and I need a 2-day rest!
    I applaud you and look forward to reading all about your experience. 🙂

    • Thank you so much for dropping by.
      I can honestly say that having another child in my late 40’s has challenged me a little, but my goodness, what a journey!!
      Unfortunately I cannot give her back to anyone 😉
      I have 2 granddaughters aged 4 and 1 of which I can hand back!

  2. Hi, there! I just found you on Opinionated Man’s blog and wanted to stop by. Absolutely wonderful blog, M’Lady! My sincere awe and sympathy at what you’re facing with a 2 year old. What’s interesting is, like my family, my maternal Grandmother had her last two children (out of 9) as her oldest son had his FIRST two, and these two pairs grew up like cousins. Really interesting! Well, consider me a follower. Many Blessings, ~Charlotte.

    • Thank you so much Charlotte 🙂
      It’s a funny situation having a toddler and 2 grown up children as well. My son has 2 children of his own.
      Our current issues with Lily are taking it’s toll, more so on me, as I’m the more emotional one.
      Onward we shall go though, until the bitter end 😉

    • It’s hard work sometimes, although when Lily was smaller, I used to say how easy it all was!! That one came back and bit me on the bum 🙂 She is so much more ‘spirited’ than my other two were (or maybe it’s just so long ago I have forgotten) and challenges my patience daily!
      Nice to meet you too (I’ll go and have a wee peek at your blog) x

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